the hardest question | lectionary
by Tim K. Snyder
I'm preaching this Sunday at Hope Lutheran Church (eastside, St. Paul) and I've decided on the gospel text so I think I will in fact try to join in this Thursday. Maybe I'll see you there.
"Tradition...or in other words Improvisation" (sermon by Tim Snyder)
The other week I preached at House of Mercy, where I've found my church home since moving here to St. Paul. I'll be honest it's a daunting place to preach because Debbie Blue and Russell Rathbun are such good preachers that's it's a little intimidating. The community is also used to their clever, challenging, intellectual, midrash-style of preaching.
I think I just got a taste of what my mom experiences every time I travel. Kevin left at 4:00 this morning for Ecuador. Needless to say, I've been feeling sick about it all week, literally, not eating well (which is actually not all that bad), shaky, and nervous. West Africa, Guatemala, Mexico, Iowa: I've traveled too, but there's still something nerve-wrecking about watching the love of my life fly away to some unknown land. Please pray for Kevin and the 11 others from Spirit of Christ as they travel!!!!
I've seen and heard women say thing like, "YES, he's gone! I'm finally FREE!" when their husbands leave the house. I don't like that. I think that says something about the relationship. I'm happy to report our relationship is not at the point where I say statements like that. Mine sound more like, "HURRY BACK! I miss you already!" Pathetic? Maybe. But at least I know I love him a lot! And I hope someone smacks me if I ever start to say rude things about "feeling free!"
We took a few trips to Target for travel sized shaving cream, medications, and snack bars. He raided my Chapstick and headache medication collection, said goodbye with tears (from me, as usual), and out the door he went. I realize it's only 10 days, but when we're in the midst of wedding planning, finalizing, and craziness, it seems like an eternity. Not sure how Kevin managed for 10 months while I was gone in California! I hope to get a lot done while he's gone. With the help of Jeni Wojahn, Linda Brandt, and my family, we're going to surprise Kevin with a much shorter to-do list when he returns! So thankful for the people who are working hard to help us with all these tasks! But even more thankful for a groom who constantly says, "How can I help you today?" Seriously, I do not take his helpfulness for granted!
Yesterday Kevin worked hard to get his bags packed all morning so he could come with me to the wedding I was shooting in the afternoon. It is sooo super helpful to have a second set of hands to carry bags, ladders, and tripods. He actually spent most of the day behind his own camera acting as my second shooter. He's really gotten quite good. Looking for details I am missing, capturing candids, and seeing things through his own set of creative eyes. What a gift! I have another wedding today (yes, two in one weekend), so needless to say, having him there helped keep my mind pre-occupied, and made the day much easier on me, giving me more energy for my second wedding today. He's something! After four hours of shooting, he said, "I'm not sure how you do this for those eight and ten hour wedding days."
Here are a few shots of Kevin and I in action at the wedding. He likes to take shots of can tell who the true professional is in this relationship. The only photos I have of him are when he creeps into the background of my photo! Laughs. AHHH---I miss him already. It's been a total of 6 hours since he left. 9 days and 18 hours to go until I get to squeeze him once again! Can't wait!
Check them out:
CNN //
Huffington Post //
Please comment on this stuff -- would love to get others reaction.
Also check out the Pluralism Project (at Harvard University).
Today was the first of three showers for Kevin and I. We can’t even begin to express our thanks to the people who care enough about us to put sooo much effort into throwing us these amazing parties! We are so grateful. This was the first official wedding event we’ve had. It all became really real that in less than 3 months, we’ll be married, and leaving the country. Wow…where has the time gone?
My sister Holly (my matron of honor), my mom Sue, and her friend Alice Hoffman put their heads and hearts together to dream up a shower in Worthington and invited all my favorite hometown, and out of town ladies to make the day extra special. Early during the shower, each woman had a chance to introduce who she was and say how she knew me or tell a funny story. It was then that I realized there were women there from every chapter of my life. Some of them were there when I was born. Some of them taught me in elementary school, or knew me through their children in high school. Others met me in college classes, one was my boss, all were dear friends. There seemed to be a thread throughout most of their stories: singing and shopping. I do believe those are my spiritual gifts, you know.
Games. Every shower has them. A quiz about Kevin…I did better than I anticipated. I now know his favorite food is chicken (who knew!), he hates Wendy’s (sooo sad), and he wanted to be the president of the United States as a child. I wouldn’t put him out of the running yet for that one: he’d be great!
Presley, Madison, and Mersaydes were there eating treats, being adorable, and came running when it was time to open presents! Wow, were there a lot of presents. It was overwhelming. Good thing Presley was there to do most of the unwrapping. Kitchen utensils, bowls, an ironing board, crock pot, the most amazing “Bergeson” tile sign (from my sister–she has one and knew how much I love hers!), a dishcloth cross-stitched by my late Grandma Marten, cupcake decorators and carriers, pyrex, awesome bath towels, cookbooks, picture frames, food choppers, even some pampered chef goodness! When Kevin showed up in Worthington to see all the wonderful gifts, we agreed, “WOW, we are blessed!” Thanks so much to Holly, mom, and Alice for their kindness and creativity at the shower. It was a wonderful celebration, and a great excuse to get dressed up and have fun!
So given that my journey has brought me to seminary...that strange place where church leaders are cultivated, teachers discover their passion for learning, and all kinds of people figure out what it means to live into vocations as followers of Jesus, I guess I thought this would be a place that does "community" well. And it does, in the institutional, campus schedule, show up for chapel, community meals ( meals if you show up), kind of way. But it's still hard to cultivate community in a place where everyone has too much going on, where uncertainty about the future is highlighted but rarely made meaningful, where specialized degree programs, cohorts, and ministry tracks often create silos of belonging more than they celebrate the diversity they represent.
I wish seminary were a laboratory for healthy Christian community; a school for spiritual practices that gave way to both significant learning and spiritual discipline. Less bureaucratic-academic crucible; more of a discipleship dojo.
It's not that...but under the surface of branding campaigns, strategic plans, academic schedules and coursework there is something — a ground swell I hope — that is happening here that does resemble that as-yet-unrealized dream of mine.
What does it look like? simple meals for each other and opening our lives to another through out the long summer evenings.
...sitting in a professor's backyard going over a paper you're trying to get published while he waits for his kids to get home.
...having your adviser interrupt your walk home from the corner grocery to make sure everything is good before they go on sabbatical
...text messages from a professor making sure you stop by the parish nurses office rides filled with folks from North America, Africa and Asia...on our way to a conference...but the car ride is really where it is at.
...the United Nations (that's my nickname for it) playground where kids from God knows how many countries play together
...welcoming newly arriving students (who you went to undergrad with); giving them the tour of cool local places (Mannings, Hampden Park Food Co-Op, etc) and cheese parties with the distributed learning Dean Martison's house. conversations explaining how crazy life is and so your posts for the online course will be late.
...Facebook wall posts, messages, events and chats with the Norwegian exchange students that you waved good by to days mom waved you off to second grade.
...helping a professor get on Facebook
...being on a professor's internet radio show; then going with them to celebrate a promotion over drinks
...weddings, graduations, new babies, funerals, baptisms and all those sacred moments
And that's just what I've noticed in the past three weeks or so. "Community" may be elusive here at the Seminary; it certainly falls short...but it is here in the spaces in-between.
I’m writing this blog entry from somewhere over Wisconsin. I have no idea how high in the air I am. The pilot never mentioned that. Probably because he knew how terrified all the passengers were after take-off and figured it wasn’t worth the small talk.
Back in December, I submitted a proposal to Luther Seminary in the hopes that my idea would be chosen out of a list of qualified applicants. A few months later, I received a call from one of my favorite professors at Luther Seminary, Karoline Lewis. She excitedly said, "Amber, the preaching faculty and a few other staff have met in review of the applicants, and I am pleased to announce you are the 2010-2011 recipient of the Graduate Preaching Fellowship!” I was in Herberger's at the time trying to contain my excitement while gripping the clearance rack. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! A few of the other applicants were friends, so I knew either way would've been either a). excited for my friend, b). excited for ME! I can’t lie, I was thrilled to be honored with such an amazing opportunity.
My proposal was entitled "visual preaching." A study of how people in other countries interpret Bible stories based on where they live and what they see around them. My hope is to talk to Christians and non-Christians to hear where they see themselves within a biblical text and how they interpret the texts. I am going to use four specific texts and ask the same questions everywhere. With that information, I will try to find correlation to what they say and what I see in the people, buildings, homes, and environments around them. My eye and my camera will be doing the second part. My wildest dream is to come back and publish a book with what I discovered. Incase you're wondering where we're off to, here's a loose itinerary of our trip:
September-December (Hong Kong)
Late Dec-Early Jan (back to MN to love on my nieces!)
January-February (India)
February-April (Jerusalem)
April-May (England)
June-July (Sweden)
For those of you wondering: Kevin is coming along, and will be resigning from his church at the end of July. It's hard to process all the emotions that go along with leaving home for a year, letting my growing photography business take the back burner, leaving a church Kevin loves, and planning a wedding and year-long honeymoon. Excitement, sadness, joy, gratitude, fear. I could go on.
Oh, last thing: I will definitely be keeping a blog as we discover, meet people, fly, live, eat amazing food, and experience the first year of marriage in far away lands. Once that gets created, I'll give you a heads up so you can feel free to follow our journey as we take it. Exciting for sure!
Here's what you can do to help me: offer suggestions for texts from the Bible you think would be interesting to hear interpretation on. Just a reminder, both Christians and non-Christians will be involved in this study, so they need to be stories both groups of people can easily understand. Let me know what you think!!
Yesterday I sat down with Prof. Andy Root (assoc. professor of youth & family ministry, Luther Seminary) and we talked about his newest book The Promise of Despair. In this radio show we talk about his chapter titled "Will Death Ever Fall in Love?" Our conversation centers around this question posed by Anyd's over-reflective (but brilliant) 3 year-old and unfolds to say that God is found alongside death in its full range of expression: losing love, losing jobs, depression, despair....and yes the grave too. In this episode I share a bit of my own personal experience of losing love and hardly believing that God met me in that place. We also geek out on Trinitarian theology and dream of a church where the only requirement to join is a liturgical litany of admitting that you don't have you shit together.
So...if you're willing to listen in to such a vulnerable and honest conversation...check it out.