Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Big Change

by Scott Dalen

I haven't posted for awhile now. I'll admit to being pretty quiet...but I hope that this posting helps explain what's been happening.

About a month ago, my wife had an interview for a position at a church in Plymouth, a suburb on the west side of Minneapolis. Apparently the interview went pretty well because they asked us to join them for worship and the chance for my wife to meet with some more of the staff members. We did that about 3 weeks ago and admittedly, it went pretty well. They contacted my wife a couple of days later and offered her the position.

We've been talking for quite awhile about the possibility of moving to the cities so that I could go to school full time. Now we have been faced with the reality of that possibility. After wrestling with the decision for about a week or so, seeking advice from a few trusted people, and a lot of prayer, we felt that it was the right move. This is the direction that God wants us to go.

Tonight, my wife had a meeting at our house for the high school youth group so that she could tell them directly. So its in the process of becoming official. We need to announce it to the staff...though a couple of them know. I also need to let them know at my other job, something that I really need to do, probably tomorrow.

We are both very scared about this change. This is the biggest change that we have gone through as a family up to this point. But at the same time its exciting too. We have a lot of steps that we need to go through, a big one is getting our house sold. We've been working our tails off through the weekend trying to get a lot of little improvement projects done. Funny, we've been meaning to get these little things done for a long time. I guess that it takes moving out to get ourselves psyched up for it.

So where do we go from here?

Well, good question. This is just one more thing to juggle. Two classes, work at the church, cpe, and now trying to get ready to move.

Spring semester is going to be a big change.


Blogger GMa Rose, PS said...

Wow! Moving is always a big change. We've done it only 4 times. And the last time, I moved ahead of the rest of the family. That was harder on Pat than me. Still, sounds like its a directed move for all of you. And it's always easier to move before the kids are immersed in school.

God's Blessing to you all through the process.

10/10/2010 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Christina said...

Congrats, Scott and Emily and godspeed. We'll wait until the dust settles to accuse Scott of deserting the DLers. :)

10/10/2010 09:57:00 PM  

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