Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Dog Father

by Daniel

Call me a creature of habit or call me the “Dog Father”. I religiously browse the Humane Society websites for dogs and cats. I am allergic to cat dander – but so-called “hypoallergenic” cats exist (ie: Bengal cats) that don’t seem to bother me. One problem is finding the kitties, the other is the price. Because they look like miniature leopard cats – breeders sell kittens for upwards of 750 bucks. Sounds like good stewardship for Creation, right? /sarcasm off. Well, I happened to find one today, but Sonia is out of town until tomorrow night. I best not make any hasty decisions without the Lady of the Manor present!

For almost a year now I have also been looking for a Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever. Apparently, such a dog is a very, very difficult breed to find. Why is it that I am interested in such-and-such a dog? They look exactly like Cooper, but have long hair! It turns out that one of these dogs is in Minneapolis, but is under foster care. I can’t even visit without him without filling out another FAFSA worth of paperwork. Here’s a picture of the cute little guy.

So what else is new? I was once again thwarted by my mathematic ineptitude. I will likely be the guy who always uses his cell-phone calculator when figuring out tips. I will probably never do my own taxes. And I will most likely never be able to do long division. But you know what? I just have to tough out this GRE math class for another two weeks or so. I am a proud “finger counter” in class. That’s right – I count on my fingers. Again, I can’t wait till we start working with the Writing section of the class so I can put some people to shame.

I hope you have a wonderful afternoon. Go outside. Be productive. Take care.



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