by Nina

Last week we had a campus wide Thank-A-Thon. Students on campus were encouraged to write personal thank yous to the people who donate money for grants and scholarships. We even got to snap a Polaroid photo to place inside, before mailing our cards. I got the great opportunity to write 5 thank-yous to wonderful individuals and couples who's generosity has benefited me financially. Students who participated got their names put in a raffle for prizes, as well. (Here I am pictured with the Luther Seminary Official Director's Chair, which I used for my Youth Culture Precept discussing William Finnegan's Cold New World).
Thanks be to God for those who include Luther Seminary in their contributions to the church. Recent numbers put 49% of Seminary support coming from gifts and grants. I think that is incredible. So, if you're among our generous contributors, Thank You!
Great pic
can't you just hear the laugh that goes with that picture?
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