Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Non-accredited Ninaversion Enneagram

by Nina

The enneagram is a foundation of personality language and assessment in CPE. I know that not everyone who follows this blog...and there are a lot of you...has done this test. Therefore, I have decided to share my wisdom and expertise on the matter in helping you identify where you land in the enneagram circle. Please remember this is the non-accredited Ninaversion.

1.) Pick your favorite of the seven deadly sins (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride) plus the enneagram added fear and deceit.

2.) If you can't choose just one, too bad, you have to. Think carefully. Listen to your gut, heart or body...whichever one is the smartest.

3.) If you still can't choose one (I know you have a lot of wonderful experiences with many of these sins) then I suggest choosing your favorite color and sticking with the sin of that color.

4.) I know which one you're thinking about switching to....choose carefully.

Do you have it?

Okay, now that you've followed these simple steps - you know what your problem is (finally). Your problem has an assigned number related to all other numbers moving towards wholeness in a big circle of lines and arrows. [Do you feel like I can read your soul?...scary isn't it?] You always fixate on this sin (of your assigned number). It affects every part of your life. You are chasing this sin and running from this sin. You are both the dog and its tail in a swirling game of tag.

Everyone knows this about you...they just don't say anything because they're waiting for CPE to bring it out and help you work on it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So do each of the 7 deadly sins corrispond with a enneagram personality type? Like, if I'm a 7 or a 1 or a 5, do they each have a corrisponding sin that your life seems to revolve around?

9/24/2008 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this is super interesting, I just found an mini-enneagram test to take online... crazy! I'm hoooked now!

9/24/2008 01:15:00 PM  
Blogger Nina said...

Jamie--Here's the way it works:


9/27/2008 08:46:00 AM  
Blogger aase said...

I'm a 9! Let's hear it for sloth!

9/27/2008 05:54:00 PM  

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