My Adoption
by Scott Dalen
I've mentioned before that I have been "adopted" by a synod congregation for the duration of the time that I am in seminary. The congregation is Ebenezer Lutheran just outside of Audubon, IA. It is a small country church, with a congregation of about 100 people.
Sunday, I traveled to Ebenezer with my family to be introduced to the congregation and to participate in leading worship. It is certainly a drive to get down there, about 135 miles and nearly 2.5 hours. Fortunately, worship didn't start until 10 so we didn't have to hit the road too early. We actually left home about 7am.
We arrived at Ebenezer a little before 9:30. Its a very pretty country church about 4 miles outside of town on a gravel road. In many ways, it reminded me of the small country church that I used to serve monthly here just outside of Milford. When we walked into the church, we were immediately greeted by Pastor Paul Sorlien. He and I went over the order of worship while my wife and kids chatted with various members of the congregation that were already there. They really made us feel like celebrities and were very encouraging for me in my call, even going as far as having the pastor and congregational president lay hands upon me and bless my journey through seminary.
Following worship, we greeted the congregation, and then went down into the basement (fellowship hall) for a potluck lunch that they had prepared. I always say that no one can cook like a Lutheran lady, and they proved it.
We had wonderful conversations with many different members, including sitting with a young family that has 3 kids, one of which is nearly my son's twin. They have the same name and were born within a couple months of each other. Needless to say, those two formed a fast friendship. I can easily see many adventures involving those two in the future.
The congregation was so generous, both in terms of their time and hospitality, but also financially. They have offered a tremendous amount of support for me to use for seminary, and I am really beyond words to thank them. they asked me to make a short speech before we ate lunch, and if you can believe it, I was almost beyond words. I was able to say a few words, but precious few. My normal longwindedness was certainly not on display in this speech.
So many thanks to the congregation of Ebenezer Lutheran. I am very blessed by you.

We arrived at Ebenezer a little before 9:30. Its a very pretty country church about 4 miles outside of town on a gravel road. In many ways, it reminded me of the small country church that I used to serve monthly here just outside of Milford. When we walked into the church, we were immediately greeted by Pastor Paul Sorlien. He and I went over the order of worship while my wife and kids chatted with various members of the congregation that were already there. They really made us feel like celebrities and were very encouraging for me in my call, even going as far as having the pastor and congregational president lay hands upon me and bless my journey through seminary.

The congregation was so generous, both in terms of their time and hospitality, but also financially. They have offered a tremendous amount of support for me to use for seminary, and I am really beyond words to thank them. they asked me to make a short speech before we ate lunch, and if you can believe it, I was almost beyond words. I was able to say a few words, but precious few. My normal longwindedness was certainly not on display in this speech.

well, feeling like celebrities is pretty fun. that's why i'd tell people to go into the ministry.
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