Friday, May 22, 2009

In the wings

by Daniel

In my scholarship I spend a lot of time working with what most people would consider the underbelly of the Bible: death, suffering, violence, war. Once in a while I feel like the “literary mortician” of Luther Seminary: it’s not a job for everyone—but someone has to do it. The Old Testament invites us into conversation with a world that exposes God and Creation’s darkest nature, but reveals their splendor as well. I believe that the late Abraham Heschel once said, “There are hurricanes as well as lilies.”In all of my wading through the hurricanes I happened across a lily.

There is an image throughout the psalter that is strikingly beautiful: God’s wings. Psalm 17:8 reads, “Guard me like the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.” Here an image is aroused: a bird, concealing its young under the shadow of its majestic wings. This is certainly a powerful, intimate image of God. It’s also a great segue.

Well, I’ve been waiting “in the wings” for the last two weeks. I haven’t heard much about my prospective summer research and work. I know a lot of us are in the same position, but we’ll be alright. It’s just hard to be at a standstill. It’s a bummer, but the show must go on. Well, I'm off to job hunt on Craigslist. Good luck, right? I wish you a wonderful evening.



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