Thursday, September 24, 2009

Signing Out

by Margaret Obaga

This is my last post in blogging for Life @ Luther. Blogging for Life @ Luther has been an honor and a joy for me. I tell you, mine has been a story of life down the hill. A good life, so to speak, despite the occasional hiccups as is common to human beings, I guess to the squirrels too. Life down the hill has been and is about families, children, spouses, potlucks and door to door as one -on- one ministries, to name but a few. It has been about the community garden, the inconsiderate, although harmless-looking bunnies and squirrels, and about intentional, I believe, genuine efforts to improve communication between the gardeners and the bunny/squirrel families. We are getting there, given the soon coming winter. Down the hill has been about opportunities and possibilities, dreams and visions of guests and hosts. It has been about challenges of life that tend to face families from other lands and cultures. It has been about the beautiful thing in sharing and working together of peoples and nations represented here at Luther Seminary. These have created great story lines for me. Of particular interest, have been the laughter of children and adults alike, the "hello" "good morning," "have a good day," of neighbor and friend. These have sincerely warmed and tended to my heart as they have informed and enriched the scripting life of my pen, or should I say, my pc keyboard. As I move on to focus on the cpe, I wish to take this opportunity to wish the blogger after me, good blogging time peppered with diverse and International "masala." Welcome to Life @Luther!


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