Tuesday, July 07, 2009

It's that time again

by Daniel

You better believe it—it’s on. I just got an email about it too. It’s that time of the year again: registration. It always gives me butterflies. It’s crazy too—major shopping centers are already stocking up their “back to school” sections! Well, for a seminary dork it’s kind of like Christmas. But why, you ask? Well, this semester is going to be great. I am still required to register even though I am taking a full semester of independent studies. I shouldn’t worry about getting into such-and-such a class because I am doing all independent studies. The problem at hand, however, is finding different OT professors for all of my studies. I don’t want to encumber anyone, but I want to make sure to work with several different faculty members.

Here are some of the classes I have designed (.5 credits a piece):

The Role of Human Agency in Exodus Liberation

The Exodus Salvific Paradigm: The Sea and the Cross

Conquest after Exodus: An Interpretation

An Investigation of Counter Empiricism in the Exodus Event

The Song of the Sea as Cosmic Warfare

The Song of the Sea and the Kerygma of Deutero-Isaiah

Curious? Interested in working together? Let me know what you think. I should able to read Exodus in my sleep after this semester. Well, I am off to make supper (grilled pork chops tonight). Have a wonderful evening.



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