Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back in action

by Daniel

It’s almost as if I could narrate the last week of my life with a country-song (Dr. Nysse would be proud)! I broke my iguana’s terrarium and bought a new one. I messed up and fixed my computer. And – my dog was sick which resulted in a trip to the veterinarian (he’s chipper and spry again). It was a week of misadventure. The interesting thing is that I had significantly more time on my hands. North Central (where I am a teaching assistant) had their spring break (a little early if you ask me). Because I had more time I spent significantly more time cleaning—which ultimately resulted in the broken iguana cage, shorted out motherboard on my computer, and the dog eating something from under the couch cushions. Being a little “piggy” every once in a while is perhaps a good thing (or at least it won’t lead to cleaning related issues!) Well – I wish I had more time on my hands this week. It’s pretty ridiculous to say that the week is nearly half way over. This is particularly disheartening in light of upcoming mid-term and half-course finals that are readily approaching. This upcoming week will be the final day of six-week half-credit courses. Are you prepared? I hope so. I can’t say that I am ready to be done with any of my classes this time around. They are absolutely engaging—but alas, I’m sure the “second heat” of courses will be just as rupturing as the first. I certainly hope this wintery evening finds everyone well. Blessings.



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