by Amber
Has it sunk in yet that Christmas is 18 days away? It seems as though each year it creeps up sooner than the last. My friend, Scott Egbers preached (might I add, amazingly) this morning and talked about the reality and suckiness of the last few weeks of the semester. He spoke some awesome words of hope into our situation. I would have felt pretty overwhelmed about it all this morning if not for a trip to St. Peter this weekend for Christmas in Christ Chapel. A holiday concert put on each year by the college. There were well over 1,200 people there for the afternoon show. Probably a few hundred more that night. Christ Chapel is a pretty place, and very near and dear as Kevin and I will be getting married there in August. If only we could get them to hang the lights from the ceiling for our wedding like they did for the show. Maybe we can even get a choir like this to sing our prelude! :) The point of all this is to say: if you aren't feeling the Christmas spirit yet, go take in a holiday concert. It'll help. I promise. 

You are getting married in that exact same place? WOW!
I have fond memories of past Christmases in Christ Chapel. Now I'm inspired by the children's Christmas programs at church.
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