Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What's Good?

by Chase

I recommend God Pause today. Pastor Cunningham tapped into a world of prayer and provided some inspiring thoughts. She addressed the ACTS method of prayer and looked at Psalm 111. She got me thinking about prayer myself. I have used the ACTS method myself for many years and it has kept my heart moving. You can read her post here.

So, prayer, there are many reasons for it. I pray out of habit, out of need, out of fear, and more rarely from a joyful place. Perhaps I have allowed the cynicism of an age to descend upon me, or perhaps I learned to pray in one way, forgetting that there are others. I am cynical and suspicious though, and thus I suspect that in some way I have let humiliation slip in, disguised as humility.

Do I believe that God needs to feel needed? Is that why I ask for his presence? Do I think that I am powerless? I know that I am not. God has given us many gifts, for which we should feel blessed. God is a father who rejoices in his children. He celebrates us. Why should we be humiliated? Even when things seem to be no good we should remember to celebrate what we have been given, what we have done, and what we will do before God.

There is more to be joyful for than we suspect and it is easier to see what's bad. So, what's good?


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