Friday, September 05, 2008

Under Pressure

by Jeni

If only life came with a bridge by David Bowie.

If I had to pick out of all the world's music my favorite song, 3 times out of 5 I think I'd pick "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie. More often than not this song offers a great soundtrack for life.

Let me explain. It's been a hectic few weeks.
For the sake of brevity, a synopsis:
  • 8/10 Internship ended
  • 8/17 Colin's internship ended
  • 8/18-20 moved Colin out of his apartment (boys are messy)
  • 8/20 started to welcome guests
  • 8/20-23 Wedding Weekend
  • 8/24 hit the road home
  • 8/26 arrived in MN, went to the fair
  • 8/27 went up to the lake
  • 9/1 came back to the Seminary
We've been back at the seminary since Monday, helping out with First Week (the seminary's orientation program), digging out of boxes (and waiting for about 30 more to arrive) and writing our Approval Essay (which is now more than a few days late).

Which brings me back to Bowie.

Life at Luther is often a life of transition and chaos. But life is good. Life finds its own David Bowie bridge, but instead of a strong tenor, it takes its shape in the faces of friends, in the hugs of family, in the taste of meals and food so long absent, in the returning to homes of worship, and even in the embracing of pressure and welcoming bivouacs of rest whenever and wherever they may come. And when all else fails, there's nothing like turning up the volume and singing along:

Under Pressure - Queen & David Bowie


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