Thursday, June 14, 2007


by SarahSE

Okay, it as been awhile! This last month has been absolutely crazy. Let me first say that our trip to Europe was absolutely amazing! We spent time in Amsterdam, Paris, and several places in Germany. We relaxed, ate amazing food, rode the trains, caught up with friends, enjoyed some great German beer, and we even saw the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo. Very cool.

After we returned from Europe we graduated! Family members came for the ceremony which was also very fun. It was a little surreal, but I have the diploma and I am pretty sure that they will not be taking it back from me. After that Kevin and I headed back to SD to visit family and to participate in our friends' wedding. Good times. While we were home I also received the news that the congregation I have been interviewing with officially voted to call me as associate pastor. YAY! Got that news on Sunday, spoke with the Bishop of my new synod and scheduled the ordination on Monday! In less than a month I will be ordained and on my way to my new congregation in San Luis Obispo county in California! God is good! More on all that in a minute...

THEN on the way back to MN our car broke down just outside of Belvidere, SD on Interstate 90. It was the worst! Luckily we have AAA and they sent someone right away to tow us the 100 miles back to Rapid City. Not only do we need a new clutch, but we need a new transmission too. Boo. Thankfully my incredibly generous mother and stepfather are letting us borrow their VW Beetle to drive until the Escort is fixed. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the Beetle. However the Escort breaking down did add an unexpected couple of days to our time in SD and is just a minor unexpected expense. But like Kevin keeps reminding me, at least the breakdown happened now and not in the middle of Nevada during our move.

Now that I am back FINALLY I am trying to get the next few weeks of my life organized, because they are going to be pretty big weeks. I am getting my mind wrapped around the ordination service. It's a lot to do! I get to invite special people to come and participate. I get to plan the service and arrange the reception. Whew! My favorite part so far has been making the invitations. I have this nerdy love of clip art and of filling out forms, so I kind of get to do both things at once. And then there is the move! The congregation is generously paying for it, but I want to find the most economical way to get us and our stuff there. Any advice on cross-country moves is welcome!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah and Kevin, Re: the move, my wife and I last summer moved from the West coast using ABF; they deliver a semi-trailer, you (and friends) supply the human power to load, and later unload, and the trucking co. supplies the driver, the fuel, insurance, etc. May be worth checking out. We, at least, had a good experience, having previously done the U-Haul deal. Godspeed in California. Joel S.

6/16/2007 11:43:00 AM  

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