I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane
by SarahSE

1) The day to day activity in my life has not been particularly exciting--class, class, class, homework, homework, homework.
2) EXCEPT for the fact that I have been in the midst of talking with the call-committee of a potential congregation over the phone. I haven't wanted to write about that because I have had no idea what the future might hold in that area of my life.
Well, I am still not sure what the future might hold in that area of my life, but I do now know for sure that Kevin and I will be flying out to California next weekend to see the area, to meet the call committee and the senior pastor, and to have a real, face-to-face, sit-down interview with them. I'm excited, but also trying to be patient, because I know that I have to trust the Holy Spirit to guide this process. I think that I can speak for many seniors who are at this stage of the process when I say that being in the midst of this time of transition can cause quite a roller coaster of emotions: elation, confusion, anxiety, hope, etc.
The bottom line for me is that I don't have any clue where I am going to live and what I am going to be doing after I graduate from seminary--which is exactly one month from today I might add. It is during these times, when I feel so out of control of my future, that I am forced to realize that I am never really in control of my life at all--past, present, or future--no matter how much I try to convince myself otherwise. It is during these times of waiting that I seem best able to recognize that my faith cannot rest in myself or my own capabilities, or even in the people around me, but rather that my faith rests in the God who comes to us. I have often heard the phrase that the only certainty in life is uncertainty. I would venture to take that statement one step further and say that I believe the only certainty in life might be uncertainty but that, even in the midst of that uncertainty, God is always faithful.
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