Unicorns, Rainbows, and Balloons!
by SarahSE
Then on Friday night I connoitered with the darling ladies of House #229 (an off-campus house where 3 Luther Ladies live together) and their guests for another barbecue/pot luck. Did I mention that I love potlucks??? This potluck was in honor of all of the May birthdays in the crowd, the finished theses, as well as the graduating seniors (Did I also mention that I love parties where I am a guest of honor? Because I do. Bonus.) This time I brought some kind of melon that I found at the grocery store that had a cute name which I can no longer remember. It was a fun night, filled with good food, side-burns, and ice cream cake. I also got to hang out with a bunch of people from Luther whom I have always liked, but never really gotten to know outside of school before. The good news is that several of them will be going on internship next year either in California or nearby, which means that I might get to see them next year too! (You know who you are and you'd better call me!)
On the first call front, things are moving along swimmingly. I don't want to divulge too much information until I know what is happening exactly, but just know that things are looking very good! Also, Kevin and I have been planning a trip to Europe and we will be leaving on Wednesday! I can't believe it is all finally here!
Celebrations and Parties left to attend: Schola Cantorum Ice Cream Social (seminary choir) at Dr. Westermeyer's, Graduating Seniors Barbecue, and GRADUATION!
Maybe I should get back to those last looming assignments so I can actually enjoy these parties...
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