Monday, May 07, 2007

The Students are the Softball Champions!

by SarahSE

Last Wednesday it was a battle of epic proportions. Once again the students and the faculty/staff faced off in the annual softball game at Sandgren Field. As Student Life Coordinator it was my job to make sure that the hot dogs were ready and waiting and that the teams were good to go. I even got to purchase pom-poms for the cheerleaders! The nice part about planning this event though was that it was so incredibly easy. I hardly had to send out any information before people were lining up to play on their respective teams. We also had an excellent fan base turn out-- though it did seem to help that it was a beautiful spring day.

Now if I had any sports knowledge at all, I'd offer a play by play of the game, but I have just recently learned that a double play is not when a person makes it to 2nd base. (Obviously, I still have a lot to learn about softball, or any sport for that manner.) The faculty/staff started out strong, with good pitching and some impressive third base defense by El Presidente Bliese. However, by the last inning the students just kept getting good hits and scoring runs. The final score ended up being Students: 21 and Fac/Staff: 15. All in all it was an excellent afternoon of fun and "healthy" competition. (Though a few faculty members in particular seemed to take the game pretty seriously.)

Unfortunately I cannot give myself any credit for the student win, in fact I believe we won in spite of me. I struck out when it was my turn at bat and then put myself so far in the outfield that the ball never even came near me. Trust me. It was for the best. But I still had a great time and I realized that we have some real athletes on campus. That, and the hot dogs were pretty good if I do say so myself.

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