Sexuality at Seminary
by Marissa

Ok, I am going to out on a limb here and bring up a topic that is not usually discussed here at Luther-sexuality. Well, it usually is not discussed, unless it is the determination of whether or not someone should be ordained. I am discussing it, because the topic came up last week in one of my classes. I was sitting in my “Ministry to Young Adults” class discussing the attributes of young adult lifestyles. Love and sex were among the topics. Our professor began to ask what some of the euphemisms that were used to describe the sexual side of young adults. Since the majority of the class falls within the age range of 22-35 we were a good group to discuss this topic with.
However, no one was really quick to discuss their sexual side. Even those who were married were not rushing to volunteer their information. After a few moments of candor, and being probed into discussing what is talked about on campus, we watched a clip from RENT. It was the scene where they are all dancing around, and on the table singing about how they love their crazy Bohemian life. The illustration was to see how different they all were from each other, but still had found a community within each other.
The clip also illustrated the diverse sexuality within their social group. But what about our social groups here on campus? Whether married, single, divorced, partnered or widowed, we are all human. As a Lutheran community we generally believe that sex and sexuality are gifts from God. So then why is there such a threat to openly talk about the topic? I bring this up as a thought-provoking question, rather than an answer-seeking question. I only know from my perspective, it was very freeing to be open to the idea of discussing sexuality in a graduate level academic setting.
Amen Sister!!!!!!!!!!
Can we open up the disscusion on how are needs (yes I said needs) are not being met and what we can do about that?
For me the question is always, "How do I get from single to married without sinning and without cloistering?" Furthermore, I feel abandoned by our church and our social institutions when it comes to uplifting and supporting marriage. When it comes to finding a partner, our communities have generally abdicated their roles in bringing together couples. The church still has negative definitions about what marriage should not be. Where are the assertions and helps for what it should be and can be?
More importantly, what about sexuality before marriage? Are there any clear answers? Are their any institutional supports for these answers?
Do you two sometimes feel we are the only 3 that want to address this.
I don't think this is just an issue on this campus, but a greater issue of both the church and community. Which brings me to my next question, Is it possible to date in our current society? If so where are the folks who are looking to date?
I'd love to make this a campus discussion topic!
Yes, I think we do need to talk about sexuality more...but HOW to do it is the question...It seems like the longer I am in the Lutheran church the more embarrassed I get to talk about it! Is this the result of imposed repression???:-)
But seriously, if I were to use the Rent clip that you mentioned for a young adult Bible study (a great idea btw, because people will comment on external media before they will volunteer info. about their own becomes a "safe" way to talk about it), I would contrast the attitude of the people in the musical with Christian ideas. The song is about the relentless pursuit of pleasure at any cost. Is that really what we're about? And where does that lead us?
One thing that I was confused about with Rent was where the actual love was that they were singing about. I just didn't see it. I saw selfishness at the expense of others. Hedonism run rampant. And the movie clearly shows that that kind of lifestyle leads to death eventually (physical in that case...but in our world also relational and emotional, etc.). All of this is totally outside discussions of homosexuality, etc. This was a general attitude issue that permeated every lifestyle choice in the film.
Just my rant about Rent. But like I said, even though I would use it differently, I would totally use it to open up conversation. That's a great idea!
As for the "RENT" clip, it was internally used not to address sexually, but urban tribes and the formation of non-blood family units. As for where love is in the movie, here are a few examples- Angel's funeral, "I'll Cover You" "One Song Glory", and "Love Heals" I am afraid that you are missing the deep meaning of this play, that is we are all damaged and are searching for meaning to our life, love, acceptance, and a place to belong. I will be more that happy to further discuses the formation of urban tribes and the young adult search for community
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