Time flies when……
by Marissa

It has been great to get back into a schedule and I am really enjoying all of the classes I am taking. To top things off, I enjoy them so much that I have a hard time prioritizing my readings; I WANT TO READ THEM ALL. At this moment, my favorite class has to be “Ministry to Young Adults” with Rollie Martinson. During class we discuss this age group of 18-35 year olds, and try to understand some of the trends that are being noticed. Such as, the extended amount of years that are spent in professional education, the desire to remain mobile and not choosing to settle down. Then we toss around ideas of how God is active in the lives of this age group, and how the church and Christian leaders can best meet the needs of young adults.
Even though there is a lot of class time, and an immense amount of reading, I have been having my fair share of fun. Last weekend, the youth ministry department hosted a retreat at the St. Croix YMCA camp in WI. This was a time for the first year students to get to know the returning students. We shared wisdom, played some games, listens to life stories, and worshiped together. One of the components that really helped to develop those relationships was the low ropes course. We were in groups of 6-10 and had to complete tasks that included problem solving and teamwork. My group, had to cross a “pit of hot lava” using only three platforms, all were about 2 feet by 2 feet and we were given two 2x4’s that were about 9 ft. long. We eventually all made it, even though it took more than a few tries, and some unique balancing.
This picture is my group lifting me up about 5 feet in the air. Part of this task was to trust your group to physically lift you up. Now I am not a petite girl, so putting my trust in the lives of my team was ver

Gilligan has to get rid of that hat.
I am a first year Youth & Family student in the DL program at Luther. Thank you for your blogs about the Luther Life that I'm not experiencing. Maybe I'll be able to meet some of you during J-term!
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