Friday, September 22, 2006

Keepers of the Doors

by Aaron

When I lived in Egypt, I got to become friends with a whole cadre of doormen. Every school, large business, and apartment building in my neighborhood of Alexandria had a mature gentleman and a squad of boys to provide basic building services—security, maintenance, mail—duties anyone would expect. What I did not expect, however, and what always pleasantly astonished me was their hospitality.

Egyptians pride themselves on their hospitality, especially doormen. They always want to sit and drink tea with visitors, chatting about the news in the world and in the building. They were quick with a joke and a smile. Their presence made coming home at the end of the day a little more joyful.

In the tradition of my doorman friends in Egypt, I am proud to be a doorman for our chapel here at Luther Seminary. I would hope that my greeting people before worship, shaking hands, giving a smile, and helping people get their worship materials all help to make coming back to the Lord’'s House a little more joyful. We even get to share tea on Wednesdays after sharing the communion meal. Building up this hospitality is one of my favorite duties as the sacristan.

In our time, when going and coming happens so fast, I pray that God would watch over and bless all the doormen and doorwomen in this world. Through their ministries may our entering and exiting go a little slower, with a little more grace, with a little more hospitality, and with a little more love.

I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of the wicked. Psalm 84:10


Blogger butterfliesarefree said...

It's great that we remember that we should be welcoming at the door and not keepers of the gate.

9/24/2006 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a great image: a doorman, welcoming and inviting people in. And not just for worship, but with everything - welcoming people into your life, welcoming them in as friends and companions, welcoming them in as brothers and sisters in Christ.

9/26/2006 08:54:00 AM  

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