Wednesday, January 26, 2011


by Scott Dalen

So its been a big couple of days.

Over the weekend I was back down in Iowa, making the rounds, seeing a bunch of different people. I stayed at my brothers house and my parents house, culminting in my parents watching the kids while I road tripped for my last meeting of CPE. It being the last meeting, I received my certificate as well as my supervisors evaluation.

The good news...I passed. Credit for CPE. Now I just need to get my information turned into the sem. I intended to do that yesterday as I was on campus, but I kept walking into Northwest when the office was closed for various reasons. So that hasn't happened yet, but it will.

So obviously I was on campus again yesterday...for a very important reason. My endorsement interview happened yesterday. I got over to campus early, and took advantage by making some various copies and starting to work on going through my sources for my ethics paper that I still need to get written.

I was walking across campus about 30 minutes before my interview, and happened to notice the two synod reps sitting in OCC. So I sat and jabbered with them until it was time for the interview itself.

At 11, we headed over to Dr. Padgett's office, (my advisor). After introductions, they kicked me out to "talk about me behind my back," which I actually got a kick out of. After about 10 minutes, I headed back into the office and we talked for awhile. It was mostly conversational, which I really appriciated.

After that, they kicked me out again for a few minutes. Upon my return, they informed me that they were recommending me for endorsement...roughly translated, I passed, but they need to make their recommendation to the rest of the synod candidacy committee, who will then give the "official" thumbs up. But long story short, I'm unofficially endorsed and that's a good feeling.


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