Pray + Break Bread // Christ Lutheran Capital Hill
by Tim K. Snyder

You may remember my previous post on Pray + Break Bread, but honestly this practice (its not really an event per se) is just so different that our most recent outing last Friday equally deserves a shout out.
As a recap here's how it works. Students, staff, faculty, friends, whoever gather at 3pm on a Friday afternoon once a month. We head out together and visit with a pastor who speaks to us about the neighborhood their church is located in. She/he tells of the struggles and the celebrations. We pray for that pastor. Then we walk that neighborhood, praying as we go and ending up at some incredible local restaurant in that neighborhood. It's freakin' brilliant.
This month we went to Christ Lutheran - Capital Hill. Pastor Gary Dreier (husband of our very own Prof. Mary Sue Dreier) greeted us and shared. The biggest issue is the construction of the lite rail. While it would provide increased public transportation options, it would also divide several poor neighborhoods and consequently several current bus stops would be discontinued. For those who depend on those stops (an proportional number) the elimination of these stops will be difficult. Christ Lutheran houses several other ministries including the synod offices of St. Paul Metro Synod. You may remember this famous wedding video:
yup. that's Christ Lutheran Capital Hill. now you know.
Read my live tweets from the event: #luthersem.
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