Vacation to Internship Part II
I am in Chicago for our Easter Break/Spring Break. [Honestly, who decided Holy Week would be a good “break” for seminarians?] One of my good friends is here for the semester doing an urban ministry internship. If I have learned anything about internships in my time at seminary, it is that they are isolating. Maybe that’s a foretaste of ministry in the “real world,” but I think it has much to do with the situation of being in leadership for a decidedly short period of time. Regardless, it is a wonderful break from the demands of school and work to visit close friends that aren’t as close as we would hope and spend some serious quality time together.As part of our exploring, I’ve walked around the neighborhood and church where Mark stays in Irving Park, spent hours an the train, visited the Field Museum, explored public art, ate Ecuadorian food, went to a Richard Buckner concert at a really cool venue called Schuba’s, stayed up way past my seminary bedtime, and have laughed laughed laughed.I had hopes of catching up in schoolwork, but pretending I’m not a student for the last two days has been glorious! Thank God for friends! The work can wait.
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