Friday, April 10, 2009

In Silence II

by Margaret Obaga

Suffering in silence might not seem a cool thing to do in today's world. Today we speak of liberation, speak out, name stuff that afflict you, use lawyers etc. It is actually a sign of defeat to be silent when you need to speak, especially with regard to matters regarding to your rights. Yet, on this one day in a year, this Good Friday, I find wisdom in silence. I am, in no way here, overlooking the ever present danger of keeping silent in situations of abuse, oppression and discrimination. Rather, I am thinking of situations when speaking might exacerbate the existing evil particularly in personal relationships. In such situations, silence might become for me a defense mechanism or a wise move. It is on the latter that my interest lies. Unfortunately,to make a wise move in situations of noises, is no easy task for most of us.We'd rather join in these noises and compete until we win or lose. And for some of us it is until some noises have been made that we really do get it. Whatever the case, we are reminded of that special one day in a time when in SILENCE we really should bow and revere the Lord who in silence fought back and defeated evil, death and sin.


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