Saturday, April 04, 2009


by Chase

Some people may criticize me for looking forward to Easter already. After all, biblically and theologically we've got somewhat of a long and emotionally topsy turvy way to go from one side of Jerusalem to the other. I say, "Au contraire, mon frere." My existential argument is that many people are looking forward to the resurrection as a moment in time, that is a culmination of preceding moments wondering "what is going to happen on Sunday." I think it is appropriate in the year of Mark to think this way.

We know something is going to happen, but what?

And, for many pastors and interns there seems to be no other way to think about it. Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. That's one holy week, as in "Holy Cow!" Each of these days carries so much weight and each of them may including preaching and leading worship. I can't help you with all of the responsibilities and anxieties of this week in the life of the church, but perhaps some.

If you are preaching or leading this week you should visit or the Itunes store and download the podcasts for this week. Palm/Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter are each singled out and discussed in their own podcast. You will find written commentaries as well.

And don't forget to join the conversation.


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