Thursday, March 26, 2009

Preaching Life XII

by Nina

Today I heard 4 sermons. I am not expecting anymore....but you never know.

It is a bit strange to listen to so many formally prepared sermons in such a short period of time....not that I'm complaining, because I am certainly not. But still, it is a little strange. I attended daily chapel this morning, and then proceeded to my preaching lab where I heard 3 additional proclamations of God's action in the world by my classmates.

Last Thursday, I preached 1 and heard 4. It's almost scary to start adding all of these up. There is an intensity to hearing the gospel (and law) proclaimed in such frequency and regularity. It seems grounding and overwhelming all at once. At the same time, it makes me feel very out of touch with the real world, and those who rarely, if ever, hear the gospel proclaimed to them in relevant ways.

I'm still listening though.


Blogger Dakota Dave said...

It's kind of scary really. I am also in seminary and am Lutheran. I find comfort in the musings and arguments I have with fellow classmates. I enjoy the challenges I find in the classroom. All of this keeps me very mindful of Gods grace and how much we need his mercy. I find that over the summer months I wind up starving for the proclamation of the word in a meaningful way. I hear gospel light everyday. But I need to hear the law and gospel "for me". Just as much as I need to hear "this is Christs body, given for you". I never knew how much I needed to hear and I really did not expect that I would need it so often. If I could get it everyday I would still not hear it enough. Its funny how you get so dependent on the word that gives life....and death.

3/31/2009 02:17:00 PM  

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