Ash Weds - Recap
by Tim K. Snyder

These are the three word that we use to describe the journey of being a DL student. This past week was a heavy one for me. I spent Monday-Wednesday at a cabin in the hill-country (120 miles from where I live). I spent three days in retreat writing and reading mainly coursework, but also working on some creative writing of my own. I then drove to Austin to St. Martin's Evangelical Lutheran Church - my context. I arrived just in time to for the Ash Wednesday liturgy and Imposition of the Ashes. I continue to be reminded that I am dust and that to dust I shall return (that text showed up in our Pentateuch reading) as I continually become overwhelm with my call as both student & minister. For anyone who thinks DL is an easier format for graduate theological education, I hereby invite you into my life for Lent. Throughout this lenten season, I'll me documenting my own "dust" moments - those times and places where the struggle, hardship and reality of humanity is so evident. And so I'll record moments - big and small - where I am fully aware of my brokeness, my humanity.
Dust Reminder # 1 - After a hard week last week I still haven't recovered enough to post online in any of my courses. I got close - but I'm still a day off. There just simply isn't enough of me to go around at the moment.
So you're "like butter scraped over too much bread," as Bilbo Baggins said. In your "thinness," remember that you're not alone. A 4th C is "cohort!"
Um, nothing but respect for the DL life. It's really exciting to read and hear about it. Thanks for sharing.
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