Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving...a few days later

by Nina

I intended to post on Thanksgiving, I am posting now, a few days later and into the early hours of the morning....better late than never, I guess.

Giving thanks is something we ought to practice more wholeheartedly, I think. This year besides spending quality time with my family, eating, napping, playing games, and enjoying our traditional Thanksgiving Day centerpieces (see photo) I challenged myself to make a great big list of things (and people) I'm thankful for. This was a certainly a wholehearted experience. I pushed myself to go deeper and farther than the usually litany of things we are thankful for (food, friends, family). It helped me to see the joy and wonder of many a small thing and gave some healthy perspective.

Among the many things that made my list were a family with a sense of humor, transformation, and the opportunity to study here at Luther Seminary. We have so much to thank God for....sometimes it's difficult to even know where to begin, but we've got to start somewhere.

Here's hoping you're slowing down enough to give some Thanks to a God who gives some pretty spectacular gifts.


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