Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick's Day at Luther

by brian

Today is a really low feast day here at Luther Seminary. There are no school-sanctioned Paddy activities, like those you might see for Fat Tuesday, Thanksgiving, Syttende Mai, Christmas, Reformation Day, or Holy Week. No, you're going to have to make your own green fun if you decide to complete a degree here. If you're currently a student, how did you make the day?

Pinching blue-shirted professors?
Harassing non-Gaelic students?
Drinking green beer?
Convincing Kevin to visit the Mississippi again while it's still green and the kids are young?
Ridding North Atlantic islands of snakes?
Filling your loo with green food dye and, with much ado, proclaiming to your roommate that this year's St. Paddy's day miracle is the color of your urine?
Paying 10 bucks for a 10 oz Guinness at some faux chic Irish bar that plays way too much U2?

Those of you here in the Cities, leave your recommendations below in the comments section so those that have yet to take advantage of what's on offer here for St. Paddy's Day can embrace the local traditions...


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