Sunday, December 09, 2007

Toddler Survival Program a "Raging Success"

by brian

Children of Luther students took to the snow this week in what has been alternatively called a "program of rough justice," "barely concealed child abuse," "dumbf^%$&** stupid," and "an appropriate means to the end of toughening up PKs, DKs, and AIMKs."

The program was also instituted to allow parent-students much needed study time in the midst of the final stretch of fall semester. Tired of reading bedtime stories, and making extra, though smaller, portions of daily meals heir-endowed Seminarians were allowed to watch reruns of Frasier during dinner before hitting the books without Raffi playing in the background.

Toddlers aged 2-6 learned various survival techniques including sleeping 8 persons (albeit little) in a 3 foot by 2 foot plastic Hasbro house, making a fire with fire-retardent plastic slides, and eating each other's hands. Evaluations were barely legible and mixed, though the committee overseeing the project was happy to destroy the negative reviews.

When my son Toby returned from the three day (one for each person of the Godhead--don't think the kids didn't get that subtle theological message!) adventure, he didn't talk much nor meet my eyes but he was able to spell his name in the snow with urine.


Blogger Scott said...

Man - I knew I left Luther too soon. Can you sign up commuter heirs from 'greater' Minnesota? 'Cause I could use time to write sermons/read books without Baby Einstein keeping my little rugrat entertained.

12/09/2007 11:14:00 PM  

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