Friday, November 30, 2007

Morning Devotions

by Anonymous

It's cold. I pick out my clothes and decide what to eat for breakfast while I try to work up the courage to get out of bed. Winter is here and snow is expected tomorrow.

I cried when they presented me with the quilt, surprised and honored. It's a masterpiece and too perfect to risk spilling on or snagging a thread. I carefully wrapped and tucked the gift in my trunk before leaving internship and Arizona in August. This week it made its first Minnesota appearance. It would stay in mint condition bagged and in the closet, but it is meant for greater things.

It is cold and this weather makes me sentimental. From the minute I saw the quilt, it felt like an heirloom I'd always known. The yellow looks like my great-grandmother's writing desk and the gold like Christmas ornaments from my childhood.

I spread the quilt out over my down comforter and crawled underneath, studying it carefully. Each square tells a story from the bible. If you look closely you can see palm branches and stars and grains of wheat. I traced my fingers over the patterns and marveled at the handiwork.

I woke up toasty warm this morning, but I still loitered for a moment before climbing out into winter. I read the quilt, remembered the scripture and thanked God for the hands that sewed the story that tucks me in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday was the 5th of December. I thought of you and checked your blog. The quilt helped. Thanks

12/06/2007 04:40:00 PM  

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