by Anonymous

But as students we're obviously very nostalgic about summertime. We have the sweet pleasure of being adults but experiencing a child-like euphoria that happens each June during graduate school. Classes end and we change gears to encounter Greek, Hebrew, Clinical Pastoral Education or a summer job. Now we're adjusting back to the school year, feeling nostalgic about other things and waiting for the leaves to change.
Today was really warm, but I forgot about the beautiful weather as soon as I saw them. My beloved sweatpants. Last week I went to my parents' basement (a.k.a. Meta's storage locker) to dig out some warmer clothes for fall. I dumped the boxes on my bedroom floor back in St. Paul and didn't have a chance to unpack them until today.
When I found the sweatpants, my heart skipped a beat. I know that sounds dramatic, but we have quite the relationship and I didn't bring them on internship last year. They're several sizes too big and fuzzy. I read, nap, lounge and cook in them. I had them on while reading for class when my cousin/roommate came home tonight. He looked at me as if to ask, "Did you stay home sick today?"
I put my hand in the deep pocket while brushing my teeth tonight and found a slip of paper. It was a receipt and on the back I had written the names of books I was planning to read during internship. I looked through the list carefully, noting what had been accomplished, and then put it back in my pocket.
There is more to do, but not tonight. Tonight I will celebrate my reunion with Minnesota and fall and sweatpants and the new pile of books that must be read before the December chill...
Hi Meta !
I see that you are adjusting to life in Minnesota once again.
Dolly and I are driving up to Minnesota and should arrive about Oct. 12th. For the past four years I've been building a Doll house for our 8 year old MN grand daughter. Since I can not think of any way to ship it there, we are packing it into our Prius and drivng it up to the northland.
While there I intend to do some Pheasant hunting, (in Southern MN), and Goose hunting, (North of Princeton, MN). So - now that George and I have taught you how to shoot, if you would enjoy harvesting some fine eating birds with your new found hobby, e-mail me, gdbessler@msn.com, back and I will set it up. I have permanent hunting rights on some land in Sountern Minnesota. Also some of Dolly's relatives will find some locals to go with us.
Will you please keep George, Dottie and George's daughter Kim in your prayers.
Viya Con Dios !
Gerald Bessler
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