Sunday, September 09, 2007

So much for the summer

by Andy Behrendt

About an hour ago, it really set in. It was while I was closing the patio door. Unlike most times I have closed the patio door in the past few months, it wasn't because Tracy and I were leaving for the weekend or because of a downpour that threatened to trickle in. It was because it was cold outside.

Cold. Outside. It's been a long time since those two words have crossed my plane of reality. In the summer, we keep the patio door open to give us a breeze. But I guess ... sniff ... it's not summer anymore.

Today was that big transition day. It wasn't only the last day of summer — that bummer of a day for any kid when the rigors of the school year are about to take hold. This was also the last day of nearly four glorious months that have provided a long, sweet, uninterrupted taste of freedom before I become more and more buckled in to the life of a public minister.

Tomorrow I begin my middler year at Luther Seminary. When that's done, I'll almost surely spend next summer in Clinical Pastoral Education. Then it's off to internship. Then my last year in seminary. Then, assuming I make it through all that, I become a pastor. And although I'm excited about that and I understand how blessed I am to have that calling, I've seen as a pastor's kid for many years that ordained ministry makes for a really demanding life.

This summer was great. Really great. You got a nice glimpse of it on this blog.

The various outings aren't all that I'll miss about this summer. I also had time for a bunch of ministry activities at my Teaching Parish — I led my first Bible study, preached a sermon, did a bunch of children's sermons and went door to door with some other church leaders to share greetings as Christians in the neighborhood. And it was all fun and at a nice pace that never overwhelmed me.

And I kept busy with two great jobs at the seminary, both in my continuing role as a student writer for the Communication Office and as a letter-writer for the Office of Seminary Relations. Both jobs gave me great experience while providing money to offset seminary expenses. The brief Seminary Relations gig was especially meaningful, as I got a better understanding of just how much donors care about the seminary and keep it running with their prayerful generosity.

But I think what I'm going to miss the most are the lazy summer nights that I could spend with Tracy — just taking walks, hanging around Target or watching TV.

The whole it's-cold-outside realization wasn't today's only moment that symbolized summer's end. It was also Rally Day at my Teaching Parish. And it was the opening day of my Green Bay Packers' season. (I certainly can't complain about that since I got to watch the Packers win while hanging out with some other seminary guys at a jam-packed sports bar. Also, the Brewers took back the division lead today while gaining a game on both the Cubs and Cardinals.)

I'm anxious about my days getting busier. And I'm certainly not crazy about the days getting shorter and colder. But as I recently told my home congregation in a newsletter entry, it's OK that summer's over because I really could be accomplishing more with my time, and with seminary in full-swing, I'll be doing just that. I've still got a lot to learn about this ministry stuff, I've got an exciting career in service ahead, and it's time to get down to business with God's work.

That said, if it gets warm enough to open the patio door again sometime soon, God won't hear me complaining.


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