Sunday, September 16, 2007

The End of Summer

by Simone

Even though the official end of summer comes later this month, today, Sunday, September 16, 2007 feels like the end of summer. Yesterday I brought a hibiscus and other tropical plants from the front porch into the house believing that soon the plants will not survive the cold overnight temperatures. I added another comforter to my bed last night!

Yet another sign of the end of summer is the annual church picnic at Kwanzaa Community Church. We had a wonderful time today. Our fellowship began in the basement of the church and spread out to the church lawn. Brothers Don, Larry and Anthony manned the grills. Sister Tina set up a table for face painting. Sister Holly, (our picnic coordinator extraordinaire!) the teenagers and I set up tables, chairs and lots of great food in the basement. After the service Sister Sheila came to supervise the rewarming of some of the most popular home cooking for our table: her green beans, Sister Beverly’s pinto beans, and Deacon Doris’ baked beans. Minister Gerry is an accomplished baker and she contributed beautifully decorated and delicious cakes and cupcakes. After the first wave of grilled items made it to the serving table we joined hands and Pastor Ralph offered words of thanksgiving to God for the food and the fellowship.

The “we” in the circle includes little kids and teens from the neighborhood who come on their own. “We” includes 70 year old Mother Jackie and her brother Elder Arnie. Three generations of their family are actively involved in the church. “We” includes young families, newlyweds, single moms, single dads, African Americans, European Americans Northsiders, Southsiders, suburbanites, students, retirees, baby Christians, mature Christians, middle class, working class, entrepreneurs, poets, artists and musicians. We usually have this picnic at Boom Island. This year, because the picnic took place on the church lawn, we were fortunate that “we” included neighbors who joined us as they walked by the church.
We talked, ate, laugh and played games together. I feel blessed to be a part of this community of faith. WE are beautifully and wonderfully made. What a great way to end the summer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like CHURCH. :)

9/18/2007 04:33:00 PM  

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