People are talented!
by SarahSE

I love learning about people's passions. Seminarians here at Luther (and I'm sure everywhere) have such a variety of talents and gifts, many of which can be quite unexpected. So it's been fun to see how my classmates use their unique passions as a way to connect with others. For instance, one of my friends loves puppets so she started a puppet ministry for children in her home church. Another friend of mine has a passion for scrapbooking and meets a lot of people by going to a scrapbooking club. I have a love for knitting that verges on obsession from time to time. When I meet someone else who knits, we always have an instant connection.
Then there is always the gift of music. Luther seems to be filled with amazing musicians of all kinds (like that awesome saxophone in worship last Wednesday!!!) Many musicians participate in the seminary choir (like me!). But many others share their love of music in other ways as well. For instance, on Friday night my husband Kevin and I joined our friend Jillian to watch her friend (another) Kevin play with his band, Greenview, at Dunn Bros. I had seen Kevin around before, but I had absolutely no idea what a great singer and guitar player he was! Who knew? It was great to see a side of a classmate that doesn't normally come out in class or in meetings!
I guess these are just a little reminder to me that God calls all kinds of people into ministry-- people who make this kind of work unique and interesting. It makes me thankful for the time we have to learn from one another as students, as well as future collegues.
P.S. If you have a unique passion and would like to connect with others, or would like to share it with the seminary community, the Dean of Students Office has a process for becoming a recognized student group on campus. Community building grants are also available!
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