A glimpse into the world of “Thankathon”
by Marissa

“No thank you, we are not interested” and “We really cannot give this time” are the two most common things I hear even before I get a chance to say thank you. As a Thankathon caller, I am expected to make contact with up to thirty-five people per night of calling, and express my gratitude as a student for the donations they have made to the seminary. Now, like most people, they typically assume that I am asking for more money. Once, I convince them that I am simply saying thank you they are a little more willing to chat for a few moments.
Thankathons happen twice a year, once during Fall and another during the Spring. Many students enjoy this opportunity to meet other students, chat with people about seminary, and make a little extra money on the side. Even though this is done through the Seminary Relations Office, we really do not ask for more money. To the many people on the other end of the phone, they are floored by the fact that we are only thanking them for money, and are OK if they never send any money ever again (“OK”, may not be the best choice of words. I think someone in the financial gifts office may be a little concerned with my general comment). Even during my first orientation meeting, I was waiting for the part where we were asking for more money; I thought the thanking part was just a ploy to get us students roped into their scheme.
As you walk through the Sem. Relations Office on a Sun, Mon, Tues, or Thurs night during the six-week period, one of the most common phrases you will hear is, “yes, we are just calling to say thank you…..nope, we are not asking you to send any money”. I personally have had the opportunity to call and thank faculty members, members from my home congregations, and past alumni. I have heard numerous stories of back in the day when seminary did not cost anything to attend, along with people who have been blessed by a church leader who had come from Luther Seminary.
As a Thankathon caller, I have a greater appreciation for how much time and energy goes into trying to show the outside church community the importance of supporting the seminary educational system. Whether it feels like it or not, there are a lot of people who are financially supporting our education-it is not just our own pockets and the government. Above all, I enjoy the stories of how people really do care about the Lutheran church and the future leadership of the many ELCA congregations. It is nice to know that there are many who are supporting us and thinking about us students on a daily basis. This is my third time as a Thankathon caller and I am looking forward to our Spring run. How great it must be to be on the other end of that phone call, and to have someone express some gratitude for their efforts. What a blessing it is to be the one who can bestow that gratitude!
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