I Heart New York
by SarahSE

I know that "Reading Days" are technically supposed to be exactly what the name implies-- days for reading. But my husband and I had 2 free airlines tickets that we needed to use, so instead we spent our reading days in New York visiting our friends Megan, Donald, and Pollie and having an all around good time. I love visiting Manhattan because it is kind of like a fantasy land. It's a magical place that we see on television and read about all of the time, but for people like me who only visit every few years, it's almost like visiting another planet. I still can't get over the fact that the lights of Times Square can be seen from space for instance!

Anyway, we spent Saturday visiting The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church. (Last time we visited Union Theological Seminary on the first day of our trip, so it is a continuation on a theme.) The grounds of the seminary are actually locked up and surrounded by a cast iron fence. We had to hand over our driver's licenses just to get it. It was quite spectacular! All of the buildings seemed so old and stately.
We saw my friend Megan perform in the show she is in called The Awesome 80's Prom. We also saw the off-Broadway production of Altar Boyz, based on our friend Donald's suggestion and the price at the TKTS booth. The play actually very funny--it's about a Catholic boy band named the Altar Boyz. We finished off the weekend with a mini-walking tour of northern Manhattan and an exremely long layover in Milwaukee. All in all, not too bad for being there less than 60 hours! Although we were very tired when we got home, it's always invigorating for Kevin and I to visit a big city and spend time with good friends. Now maybe I should finally get to that reading...
New York Hearts YOU! Come back again soon!
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