Friday, March 12, 2010

Random Happenings

by Scott Dalen

A few things have happened in the past couple days that I want to talk about.

The first happened Wednesday night. We were all at church for our weekly Lenten service. During the initial period we were singing various songs, as is the custom. In an introduction to the final song, which was supposed to be The Old Rugged Cross, the music leader was going on and on about the author of the song. He elaborated on how the author came up with the notion of the lyrics. The whole time he was doing this, the words on the screen were for Amazing Grace. I think we were all wondering if he realized what was going on.

Finally, as he's wrapping up, he says "The Old Rugged Cross is a wonderful song and truly inspiring. It's one of those songs that simply speaks to you." Then he looked up at the screen. After a momentary blank stare during which he realized the error he said, "This one's good too."

It could be considered an epic fail...but as it turned out it was good for a laugh. Sometime in worship, you've got to roll with the punches. Been there, done that.

The next thing worth mentioning happened yesterday. My daughter is approaching school age. This fall she'll start Pre-K. Let me tell you how excited she is for it. She's been talking about it for a year now. Yesterday we had her initial visit to the class room. It only lasts for 20 minutes, and after having done the same thing for our son a couple years ago, we knew what to expect. But do you think that dampened her mood towards it?

Heck No!!!

My wife picked her up from day care yesterday and then they swung by the office to pick me up (which is very handy considering I'm about a block away from the school. I can literally walk 5 feet to my left and see the building right now. I got in the car and she was about bouncing right out of her seat.

"Daddy...I'm going to school...I'm going to school."

"Yes, but only for a few minutes today right?"

"Yes." And then she promptly stuck her thumb back in her mouth. We haven't cured her of that yet, but I'm not overly surprised. I did it for years as a kid. Imagine Linus from Peanuts...that was me. I asked her about it and she said, "I'll take it out at the school." Which she did. I guess appearances are half the battle aren't they?

The final thing that happened was a going away party for some friends last night. A family from our old small-group is relocating to Kansas and so the whole crew got together to show them support as they depart. It was a fun time and hopefully they felt good about it. It was enjoyable to pray over them as they go and makes me hope that one day that will happen for us as well. Eventually I will finish up school and will accept a call, and it's fairly unlikely that it will be here. So I'm guessing that a move is looming down the road for us as well.

But now I sit here, waiting for my next big thing, which will be this afternoon and tonight. Our Men's Wild Game Feed happens at church tonight and I'm on the planning committee. My role is in dining room setup, so I'm knocking off early today to do that. The only weird part of it this year (my 6th or 7th year of involvement) is that I have to leave for my Hebrew conference call right when the thing is starting. My call is at 5:30 and that's right about the time people start showing up for it. However, my cohort that also man's the door is aware of my absence and his son is going to take my spot. Then after my call is done, I'll head back out to the church. Taking my son along for the first time this year. Hopefully he enjoys it.


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