Saturday, December 27, 2008

On Becoming a One Car Family

by Jeni

When I got my White Ford Focus while on internship, everyone thought it was cute. It matched Colin's black Ford Focus, right down to the spoiler. Having two cars was important then, with Colin being in Las Vegas and me being in Sierra Vista. We weren't yet married and we weren't yet living on campus where we both work and go to school and live and move and have our being.

We barely leave campus most days and no longer need 2 cars to get around. So on this trip to NW Ohio, we drove two cars and are leaving one behind and will, for a short time, be a one car family.

We've started to organize who gets the car when and how we'll communicate spontaneous outings. We're figuring that it will save us some do-re-me, open up another parking spot at the Sem and lighten our carbon foot print.


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