Heretics (Proper) Football...the morning after
by Nina
It is the morning after the Luther Seminary Heretics Proper Football match against some team in pastel blue. It was awesome. The skill and depth of our (male) bench was phenomenal, not to mention intimidating. We had enthusiasm, subs for everyone, good coaching, and got to play under lights. While we lost a goal early on in the first half, it was quite a match. (I take a significant amount of the blame for this, unfortunately).
Proper football used to be my deal. I even had a necklace with a female soccer player on it circa 1996. (which is featured in my passport photo). I was so excited for this match and had an unbelievable amount of fun. I was reminded that I am unable to just stand on the sideline like everyone else when I'm not playing. I have so much energy that I pace the sideline yelling everything I say twice. "MAN ON!
MAN ON!" Today I'm not so energetic. Once I finally got out of bed -which took much longer than it should have - I've discovered a sore knee and back, stiff leg muscles, a bruise on the top of my foot from getting stepped on, and a welt and series of bruises (soccer-ball sized) on my inner thigh. I'm tempted to post of photo, (sorry).

My Most Surprising Performance Award (MSPS) goes to former academic dean David Lose. What a game, Dave! He's got speed, makes smart tackles, foot skills, an unabashed defensive pressure, an experienced read of the field and a four inch scar down his knee that matches mine. He held his own in center fullback. I hope to see him on the pitch again.
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