Tuesday, July 01, 2008

"God Could Use Someone Like You"

by Anonymous

The communications and Seminary Relations teams will soon develop a new slogan to replace this little ditty. It's been around for a few years (and roped me in), but we will soon give new words to the same, bold mission of Luther in hopes of drawing you in for study.

I have been so blessed by my time at Luther - the faculty, staff, students and adventures. To those of you reading because you, too, have fond memories of this place, keep students in your hearts and prayers. To those of you curious about how pastors are made, come visit campus and continue to challenge the writers of this blog to share vividly about life here.

It is a good place to be and a good place to be sent into the world from. I am convinced that seminary can't hurt. I came here in 2004 determined to study theology while steering clear of ordination, but sometimes God has cooler ideas than I do. Seminary addressed deeper questions about my identity and gifts than I'd expected. In a world that wants to define success by long days in the office, salary increases or impressive job descriptions, seminary education teaches us about who we're called to be.

So know that God could use someone like you. God can use anyone trying to figure out who they are and why they matter. God can use you because you're desperate for perspective or seeking deeper meaning from what you do.

My Life at Luther has been a vocational journey that has gifted me with self-awareness, a biblical foundation, theological processing skills and wonder, leadership abilities and the faith that this education has equipped me to do anything with greater passion and perspective than before. So if you read because you're thinking about it, know that seminary can't hurt. It's bound to have you telling jokes that aren't actually funny about ancient languages and it will teach you how to be more fully yourself...

but it can't hurt. :)


by Anonymous

I heard late Sunday night that I have been called to serve St. John's Lutheran Church in south Minneapolis as their Associate Pastor. I will be ordained during Sunday morning worship at Normandale Lutheran Church in Edina, MN at 10am on July, 27 and will begin at St. John's in mid-August!

I've learned a lot about myself and my call in the last seven months. There are plenty of things that excite and scare me about serving any congregation and about serving this one in particular. I think that's a good thing. Their congregational culture and dreams have cut to my core and ignite the gifts and talents God has given me for ministry. Of course, I'm also nervous to begin my first call because it means finding out more about my pastoral identity and the call to ministry.

I am blessed to feel so connected to this place and to receive an eager welcome in return. There are so many adventures to come at St. John's , but first I must finish moving, unpacking and exploring Scandinavia during our honeymoon in July!

I've started a new blog address that I will use next year to keep in touch: tangled up in grace You're welcome to tune in there, though I'm sure it will be a slow start until fall.
