Sunday, December 12, 2010

Back home...

by Carl Mattias

Dear readers!
The semester is at an end. In a few days I will be done with my finals and afterwards I will go back to Sweden to celebrate Christmas. It's been a fun semester and I have learned a lot and have had a lots of new experiences, both in my studies here at Luther and as a Swedish exchange student living in the US. It is hard to believe that it's already time to go back to old Sweden again. It's been interesting to see my home country not only from the inside, but from the outside. I have also learned that life goes on in Sweden without me, both in a good and a bad way. The most recently bad thing happened yesterday(Saturday) when the impossible happened in Sweeden. At 5 pm (local time) Stockholm was struck by blasts after an email warning to the Swedish people about Sweden sending soldiers to Afghanistan and the silence regarding the cartoons of Muhammad drawn by Lars Vilks. This is unreal, the peaceful and stable society of Sweden who hasn't seen war for over 100 years is suddenly attacked and threated with terrorism!
Luckily it could have been far worse, since only one person was killed (the man who set the charges) and two other people were injured. For me, as a Swedish citizen, it is not what could have happened that is the most frightening, it is the simple fact that it happened. My safe and peaceful home country suddenly doesn't feel as peaceful and safe anymore...
Things are changing in the world. There is one thing we can take for granted however, our Lord, who is the same yesterday, today and forever!


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