Thursday, May 29, 2008

Graduation 2008

by Anonymous

The senior class has graduated and many have left for call already! Sunday was a beautiful day to be downtown. The weekend’s storms made the air heavy and the sky changed its mind several times. Both dark, whipping wind and bright sunshine decorated the backdrop of photographs being taken outside Central Lutheran Church.

We stood in the crowded basement, lined up like ducklings before the service. Each row giggled and reminisced once more before filing in to receive our honors. I gasped walking in – the sanctuary was filled with pastors, mentors, families, friends, faculty and classmates singing praises. Giant golden decorations danced on poles up front, guiding us toward our seats and reminding the flighty ones caught in the rush of May (ah hem): this is a big deal.

My godmother had no shame and stood taking pictures even after everyone was politely asked not to. Our loved ones oozed pride and excitement. Our voices boomed in song, giving me a taste of heavenly choirs. Our beloved, Scott Nocton, gave sending words of grace to our class and to the community.

Scott has been a role model and friend to so many, pushing himself academically and leading through class discussion. He teaches his peers about evangelism and mission through his actions and bold ministry. He loves the call God has given him. Scott is the heart of this Mdiv class, fighting leukemia with every fiber of his life, stubbornness and faith. His presence and words were emotional, providing pastoral care and a faithful witness to every soul in that sanctuary.

I thought I’d pulled myself together by the time we recessed, but it was deeply symbolic to be walking back down the aisle toward heavy doors opened and busy streets outside. They were sending us into the world and this was it! Then I saw her waving with frantic pride from end of her pew. It was Wedge Stewart, a saint from my internship year in Arizona. I had to stop and hug her because it was all too sweet. God had sent people from every walk of my life to celebrate the day.

It is so good to be surrounded and sent.


Blogger Scott said...

Congrats! I remember the same feeling of excitement, awe and joy the day our class graduated. It was an overwhelming experience. Glad you enjoyed it.

6/02/2008 01:40:00 PM  
Blogger A Work in Progress said...

Hope you keep us posted on your Call developments. Peace and Congrats.

6/10/2008 08:34:00 AM  

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